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What if you could have your own social network at your event?

What if you could have your own social network at your event?

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Knowhouse and MID, two firms from Barcelona specializing in applied technology and interactive communication, have created the first network at the point of sale terminal. Barcelona Urbany Hostels have been the first to sign.

Although this communication tool has led initially to the point of sale as a means of finding the interaction with consumers, why not imagine its very useful for our industry? workshops, networking, learning meetings …. or continue imagined, a network that would allow us to know at the time who think that feedback from the participants of our event.

But how does it work? This is a digital display 32 “vertical, touchscreen with virtual keyboard, microphone, camera HB and usability intended to promote dialogue. It also incorporates some leds inside the Perspex that allows light as you want the company logo screen printed, which are also activated when a person takes a picture so that he or she leaves more bronzed… a nice detail.

This screen is actually supported by a social network, where clients (in the case of a point of sale terminal) and participants (in our case), access their profile and instantly publish the message they want. This will generate two-way communication, interacting with other unknown people in the same space: networking at its best.

Moreover with this system we can ensure that participants of our meetings or events stop being mere passive spectators, but creators of content. Thus, the experience is not in the technology itself but in the people and the feeling of belonging to a community.

And, last but not least, it adds value: Digital Signage. The system, when not being used by the user, play content that can be a very good channel for corporate communications, event data real-time news, information and much more.

The “creature” has no name yet, but we will inform you as soon as we know.

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